Can strength training enhance your yoga practice?
When adding strength training to your yoga practice, you hit all aspects of your mind, body, and soul. Increasing your overall strength can assist with different poses in your practice. In addition, strength training can build muscle, burn fat, and increase bone density.
Improve your yoga practice by adding a kettlebell workout with Free to Be Yoga’s Strength to Mat classes.
Studies have shown that adding strength training to your wellness routine has many benefits.
What benefits do Kettlebells have over Dumbbells?
Kettlebells provide cardiovascular benefits; they can boost your endurance but are low-impact compared to regular cardio training.
Kettlebells provide a full-body workout. They help build muscular strength with an emphasis on core strength.
Kettlebells can improve your coordination, mobility, and overall functional strength. Mobility keeps us young!
Kettlebells increase your power and can help build mental toughness.
Well Rounded Program
Current in-person schedule
Monday 6 AM Vinyasa
Thursday 6 AM MindBody 26
Friday 6 AM Strenght to Mat
Click the link to learn more!
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