“Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment” (Kinicki, 2021).

(Photo: Upsplash: Tim Goedhart)
The practice of mindfulness and meditation have grown in the business setting over recent years. Mindfulness has become mainstream and has been embraced by many companies to help decrease workplace stress. More and more individuals are facing “burnout” or “compassion fatigue” in the workplace (King, 2019). In addition, excessive stress in the workplace takes a toll on performance, cost, and morale.
Over the last few years, businesses have incorporated a mindfulness and meditation practice at the workplace. Companies like Google, Nike, and Fidelity have incorporated mindfulness training for their employees which has shown great success.
Mindfulness is when one can be aware of their own inner thoughts and feelings but also be aware of the thoughts, feelings, and interactions of others. An important way to practice mindfulness at work is to be consciously present by being aware of what you are doing, while you are doing it, but also managing your emotional state.
Five Benefits of Mindfulness:
Decrease Rumination Thinking
Reduced Stress
Improved Memory and Focus
Greater Interpersonal Effectiveness
Mindfulness was once believed to just help with managing stress but now many people experienced improvements in cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical outcomes. With outcomes like improved performance, interpersonal relationships, and well-being in the workplace, it comes to no surprise why the interest in mindfulness training has increased over the recent years.
Simple meditation techniques have been shown to increase mindfulness. Meditation can reduce stress and negative emotions and increase emotional regulation, task performance, and memory (Kinicki, 2021).
Two Meditation Techniques:
1. Breathing meditation:
Take some patience. They can be done anywhere, as no tools or equipment is needed. You must focus on your breathing and the physical sensations associated with the breath. When you focus on your breath, it brings you back to the now as the breath is fundamental to life.
2. Walking meditation:
You start with a goal or intention of walking. You focus on it and the process of walking. Not what comes next or your plans for the day.
With either meditation technique, when different sounds or thoughts enter the mind simply recognize and let them passively go away.
A mindfulness practice takes time, commitment, and patience to see the benefits. I believe over time we will see a continued increase in corporations adding mindfulness training for their employees. The benefits such as reduced stress, improved conflict resolution and increased job performance are some of the reasons why businesses should add the necessary tools for mindfulness and meditation within its organization. This practice can help you personally and professionally.
Does your company offer a mindfulness program? How has meditation helped you? Comment below!
Kinicki, A. (2021). Organizational Behavior: A Practical, Problem-Solving Approach. McGraw-
King, A. (2019). Mindfulness-Based Workplace Interventions for Wellness Promotion. Springer